Hello guys,
- RaspberryPi 2
- Raspyplay4
- Amp at 100%
-> When I play files with HW-volume control setting there is no noticeable noise on my speakers with any file formats.
However, I would prefere using software volume control in order to set the volume "linear" with my mpd clients and have a wider volume range.
This also works fine with no noticeable noise as well!
-> But only when playing any MP3, WAV or FLAC with higher bitrate / Hz than 16 / 41000.
FLAC files with 16 / 41000 have an audible noise level wich stays the same from software volume 1% to 100%.
So my conclusion is a Software/communication "problem".
Any clue why this appears and what tweak could help?
Thanks for any help.