RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Raspberry Pi related support

RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Postby tobyl » 08 Mar 2015, 01:40

Hi, new owner of PI 2 + PI-DAC+. just thought I would share my experiences, including router setup.

I got sound ok from the PI-DAC+ after editing the /boot/config.txt file, (using the PI 2 image found on this forum) but had problems streaming from the USB port on the router. I have a hard disk in a usb enclosure formatted to ext3 with my flac files on. I could not get runeaudio to see the drive. After a lot of head scratching I updated the router firmware with Merlins latest version (RT-AC66U_3.0.0.4_378.51_0 at time of writing - a google search for asuswrt merlin should do it) .
This firmware has built in NFS functionality, and once this was set up, runeaudio found my drive. Working perfectly.

Hope this might help someone.

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Re: RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Postby hondagx35 » 08 Mar 2015, 02:10

Hi tobyl,

welcome to the forum.

Thank you for your report.

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Re: RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Postby jack » 16 Mar 2015, 15:07

Hi tobyl,

I just got a new pi 2 and Hifiberry DAC+. Can you tell me the detail to let it work with RUNE?

I couldn't found the pi 2 img for the DAC+.

I am not a Linux programer and I just want to get the music out of the Pi 2!
If you know how to do, please show me the way!

Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

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Re: RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Postby tobyl » 16 Mar 2015, 21:02

Hi Jack,
Looks like Frank answered your question in your other post.
In my case I had to edit /boot/config.txt. The way I did this was to ssh into the PI 2 from another computer to change the config.
You need to find out which IP address your PI 2 is on, the easiest way is to log into your router to find out.

then from a linux cosole type

ssh root@ (or whatever the IP address was that the PI is using)
passwword: rune

nano /boot/config.txt

find the appropriate DAC entry, and uncomment it (remove the #)
ctrl-x, and y to save

reboot, and you are done.

I have not tried, but from Windows I think you can install putty which can do telnet or ssh.

Let us know how you got on

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Joined: 08 Mar 2015, 01:03

Re: RPI 2 PI-DAC+ and rt-ac66u

Postby jack » 17 Mar 2015, 11:48

Dear tobyl,

Thank you so much, it works.

Just follow with your indication.

Sounds great!

Thank Frank too.

I hope Frank can put a link on a main page for people who like me to easy access.

I do appreciate the Rune UI then others. And very prompt reply form you all!

Thanks again!

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Joined: 13 Feb 2015, 17:52

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