RPI 3 drops WiFi

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RPI 3 drops WiFi

Postby DJC » 03 Mar 2017, 20:28

I'm running Runeaudio on a RPI3 with an Adafruit I2s Bonnet. The Version i downloaded was 0.4 but when i remote in using SSH it show it as 0.3 on a RPI2, so not sure what version it is actually running. My main problem is that after a few minutes the WiFi will drop, cant ping or use interface until i unplug the power and reboot. I when back and made sure i downloaded the correct version for this site, formatted the card, set it up without the I2s attached, then attached the board. worked for a little longer but still dropped Wifi. It seems like when i make a change in the settings it will drop, sometimes I'll go back to the interface to skip a song and its disconnected.
in the RA config file i enabled all the "hifiberry-dac".

I have also booted to the standard Linux OS for the PI and ran a ping test over night and it did not drop, even tested again that evening and it did not drop so it shouldn't be hardware. has anyone used the I2s adafruit bonnet with RA on a RPI3? Am I using the wrong version of RA?

Adafruit I2S 3W Stereo Speaker Bonnet for Raspberry Pi

Thanks for the help!
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Re: RPI 3 drops WiFi

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Mar 2017, 22:04

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Re: RPI 3 drops WiFi

Postby eygres » 05 Mar 2017, 19:42

Exactly the same symptoms. Wifi connection is dropped, built-in AP is available but the in 10-15 minutes UI gets down too. I ma using the latest 0.4 built.
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Re: RPI 3 drops WiFi

Postby DJC » 10 Mar 2017, 05:55

I disabled "auto Update" and that helped. I also have over 150GB of music and was trying to load that from a network mount. adding large a large amount of files would stop the wifi connections. i have about 22GB on a USB drive and adding all the files at first would stop the wifi, after rebooting it has worked fine. I assume that adding to many files into the que maxes the CPU and the wifi drops. I also noticed if i make some changes in the in MPD\settings\source it would drop the wifi. I'll use the USB that seems to be working, been playing for about 24 hrs now and i'm glad I really like the software.
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