rPi as appliance?

Raspberry Pi related support

rPi as appliance?

Postby Bones13 » 03 Oct 2014, 12:26

I am building a new DAC, and am wanting to include an rPi, with isolating reclocker, via I2S connection, to serve as the music player, using files from a NAS.

My question is about turning the rPi on and off. Can the rPi, running the RuneAudio system, tolerate being turned off with the DAC safely? And will it boot back up, connect to wired network and mount the NAS unassisted with re-application of power to the DAC.

Or, will I need to make provisions for the rPi to be powered separately, and not switch off with the DAC?
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Re: rPi as appliance?

Postby skrodahl » 03 Oct 2014, 17:31

I wouldn't necessarily power the RPi separatey, but make sure to bypass the power switch for the Raspberry Pi.

RuneAudio, at the moment, mounts the operating system as read/write. 49 times out of 50 it will probably go well, but just last week I had to reinstall RuneAudio as it went corrupt after a hard power off.

I know that the RuneAudio team is contemplating mounting the operating system read-only in the future, but it's not there yet.

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