RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

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RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby lowpolyjoe » 21 Aug 2014, 13:30


First let me thank you guys for making this project available to the masses. It's exactly what I was looking for. Very much appreciated :D

I got my RPi B+ a few days ago and got the Rune 0.3 alpha image working last night.

This morning I can get web-radio stations to stream. Hurray!

I have no RPi experience before this so I didn't know what to expect. Using my Win7 laptop and IE 11 browser, "http://runeaudio" works about 25% of the time... the rest of the time I get the spinning wheel indefinitely. Same when I click any of the menu options once the page loads. I have much better success browsing with my iPhone 5's Safari browser. Is this expected?

I was going to ask if I could mount a share from a WinXP machine through the GUI but I think I just managed it - I think the music folders are currently being indexed. Fingers crossed.

Looking forward to playing with Rune.

Thanks a lot,
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Re: RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby ACX » 21 Aug 2014, 15:44

Hi lowpolyjoe,
RuneUI is expected to work fine on IE11, I tested many times with it under normal conditions (on both Rpi B and B+) and I never experienced particular issues. Do you get javascript errors in the browser's console?
Please try to install another browser (Firefox or Google Chrome) and do some tests with it. Google Chrome also has the nice that plays well with RuneUI.
Can you also post here your debug log with Pastebin please?
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Re: RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby lowpolyjoe » 22 Aug 2014, 01:53

Hey ACX,

The IE 11 issue continues. Version is "11.0.9600.17207". While the spinning wheel was being displayed I opened the dev tools and broke the javascript code. I don't see any errors in the console window. It puts me in some jquery code. One attempt put me in some handler code in the following file:

http://runeaudio/js/vendor/jquery-2.1.0 ... 4948459.js

Callstack just lists "r.handle()"

Active code snippet looks like :

o.event = {
global: {
add: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r = L.get(a);
if(r) {
c.handler && (f = c , c = f.handler , e = f.selector) , c.guid || (c.guid = o.guid++) , (i = r.events) || (i = r.events = {
}) , (g = r.handle) || (g = r.handle = function (b) {
return typeof o !== U && o.event.triggered !== b.type ? o.event.dispatch.apply(a, arguments) : void 0; <-Active line in debugger
}) , b = (b || "").match(E) || [

I tried Chrome and Firefox and the GUI seems fine both... IE is the only problem

When I left for work this morning, I had just added a "Network Mount" and it was indexing. This evening the "updating" message in the bottom left of the GUI was gone, but when I tried to browse my library, it still listed 0 network mounts. Then when I tried to 'add' one, it showed the one I added this morning in the list? I used the search box and queried for a band I know I have in the share and it came up with hits, but the mount wasn't shown for browsing.

I hit the 'force library update' and now it's probably gonna take overnight before it's done indexing again.

Another noob question - I thought I read about this somewhere but now I can't find it.... Do I need to expand the boot partition or create another partition with the free space on my SD card after applying the 0.3 image? If so, please name a tool that I should read up on (fstab I think I read?). It's a 32GB card. I notice in the debug log says there's no swap space. Is that typical with RPi setups? Seems risky with such a small amount of ram to have no swap at all, no?


Currently (indexing underway) when I ssh to the RPi, top shows "mpd" at about 30% and "cifsd" at about 20% CPU usage.

Thanks a lot,
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Re: RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby ACX » 22 Aug 2014, 10:50

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Re: RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby lowpolyjoe » 22 Aug 2014, 13:37

Yeah - IE never seems to play nice. iPhone safari will be my main interface anyway and i'll switch to Chrome or Firefox on my laptop.

Thanks a lot for the links regarding the other issues.

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Re: RPi B+, Rune 0.3Alpha for a noob

Postby ACX » 22 Aug 2014, 14:53

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