RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby dror » 25 Oct 2016, 09:19

Noticed (a while a go) that updating Rune revertes the refresh_nics, so one needs to repaste the lines.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby BorGreiner » 14 Nov 2016, 23:02

Followed the instructions. Got it working but... Inbuilt WIFI that identifies itself as Cisco00068 has internet, my other dongle (that I can also connect to) has no internet access. I'd prefer vice versa, as dongle has better range.

Can some help me out here?
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby rlsten » 22 Jan 2017, 01:05

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby rjm121012 » 14 Apr 2017, 05:11

This might not be the correct place to post, but I am interested in a variation of using the RPi as an WiFi AP.
I would like to ONLY CONTROL Runeaudio on a RPi-3 wirelessly using the RPi-3 imbedded Bluetooth.
I DO NOT want to stream audio wirelessly to or from the RPi. Audio is stored locally on USB and output to USB DAC.
I would think that Bluetooth would be ideal for this because it should be low bandwidth to just send play, pause, stop and skip commands to the RPi. Any thoughts on the feasibility of doing this? I am a RF hardware engineer and am not good with software.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Apr 2017, 14:29

Hi rjm121012,

maybe is what you are searching.

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby rjm121012 » 16 Apr 2017, 08:08

I hadn't considered that method.
What I was looking for was to still use the RuneUI client on IOS and Android devices, but just change the communication from WiFi to Bluetooth.
For command only. No audio streaming.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby imsai » 27 May 2017, 23:17

I had been working on a media server for my vehicle, and originally used a Pi1 with some success. Around the time I was getting frustrated with the limited MPD interface apps, and the audio quality, and was experimenting with USB sound modules, I ran across RuneAudio. I decided to switch to a Pi3, and give it a go.
RuneAudio is responsive, works from the start. I'm impressed, and will be donating.

My setup is now a Pi3 with a battery pack. The battery will be replaced with a Mausberry car switch module soon, and the USB audio card will be replaced with a Hifiberry soon.

Future version will hopefully have a 3G dongle for internet access on the road.

I realize the focus is to create a good audio product, not a Swiss army knife software.

So we are respectfully requesting the AP to NAT over an additional WIFI connection with a wifi dongle or a 3G dongle. I haven't been able to make this work yet. Will have to research more. Streaming internet radio would become an option, as well as rsyncing a music directory.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 28 May 2017, 10:59

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby crisvanhamer » 28 Aug 2021, 16:11

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to use Runeaudio with pi 3, but actuelly I can't use the ethernet of my router, but i want to use the wifi.
Can I set up the wifi (ssid and password) during (of after) the sd flashing ?

Thanks !!
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby surfninja » 31 Aug 2021, 16:40

i'd suggest looking at . I'm running wireless on a zero.
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