RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 07:24

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 07:56

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Oct 2016, 09:32

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 10:53

Thank you Frank!

Something must have gotten wrong with the file when I edited it and added the text. I copied your file from the zip-file and replaced it (using winscp) and after rebooting the pi it works.

Now I just need to learn how to make the whole build "read only" to prevent the file system on the SD card getting corrupted due to powerloss.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 13:46

Before enabling the AP, Music playback works. The AP is working and enabled now, I can connect to it from my phone. When I play a file the player hangs. The user interface is not accessible through local web or a client. Trying to reboot system from putty and there it stops at "a stop job is running for Music player daemon". Reinstalled again and started over but get the same thing with another Micro SD card :(
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Oct 2016, 14:13

Hi Runebeginner,

the AP feature is tested by many users (also with RP3) and it works like it should.
Where is your music stored?
Are you using ethernet to connect to your music library?

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 14:21

I know, something is wrong with MY setup.

The Music is located on a Kingston usb memory (16 gigabyte) attached to the raspberry pi. I tried with the Ethernet Cable plugged in, not plugged in, with my router on only, with my routher and Cable pluggged in, with only the PI and its Rune AccessPoint on. Same stalling when playing a song, just after a few seconds.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 20:05

After enabling the Access Point (having it configured but not necessarily running) and unoplugging the ethernet cable,the player hangs after a few seconds has been played of a song.
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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby hondagx35 » 21 Oct 2016, 21:18

Hi Runebeginner,

did you choose the same subnets for ethernet and AP?
If so, please use an other for your AP.

Sorry, but i have no idea what is going wrong on your setup.
I did a test with my RP2, USB SSD and a EDIMAX dongle.
Works with and without ethernet plugged in.

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Re: RPi + Runeaudio +Wifi as Accesspoint

Postby Runebeginner » 21 Oct 2016, 21:30

I have finally got it working. I don't know how because I did it the same way over and over again.

I don't have the USB memory stick connected now though and only put 2 songs on the Micro SD card. Off to a good start!

Thank you so much for your help! Hurry up and make a backup of the Micro sd card now....
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