Rpi USB as input.

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Rpi USB as input.

Postby matt » 14 Sep 2014, 08:19

I have read that the USB ports on the Rpi arent the best for outputting to a USB DAC. I'm just wondering if the same limitations apply if you use the USB port as an input ie having files on a powered USB hard drive.
My WDmycloud has had it I think, (currently trying to get my files off at the blistering speed of 1.4MB/s) and I would never get another as its been nothing but trouble, so am thinking about options for the future.
Is the ethernet port the best way to input the files?
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Re: Rpi USB as input.

Postby ACX » 14 Sep 2014, 13:18

The best way for Rpi is using a network mount, SMB or NFS one (the second better).
Keeping your music library on a NAS would also give you other advantages, like the possibility to access it from multiple devices at the same time.
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Re: Rpi USB as input.

Postby Midnight » 15 Sep 2014, 08:34

It does not matter for sound quality, where you get your files from, but getting them from a NAS has other advantages ;)
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Re: Rpi USB as input.

Postby ACX » 15 Sep 2014, 13:26

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Re: Rpi USB as input.

Postby Midnight » 15 Sep 2014, 13:56

But both libraries, connected via USB or ethernet share the USB medium.
And talking about buffer settings and stuff: having pops and clicks in playback is not a audio quality problem, it's just a non working audio system :twisted:
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Re: Rpi USB as input.

Postby ACX » 15 Sep 2014, 14:41

Pops and clicks only are the most noticeable of the possible problems. You could also have a apparently smooth playback but far from the desired quality, because of inconsistencies in the time domain introduced by hardware of software.
BTW, in most cases USB and NAS sources are both fine.
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