RPi with no screen/keyboard/mouse, and wifi dongle

Raspberry Pi related support

RPi with no screen/keyboard/mouse, and wifi dongle

Postby basj » 15 Mar 2014, 20:45

Hello RuneAudio users !

I have a RPi with no screen/keyboard/mouse, but it has a wifi dongle. I usually connect to it with SSH / putty (windows) with Raspbian distribution.

On a new SD card, I want to try RuneAudio. How to prepare it to work with my Wifi connection ?
How can I set my SSID / Wifi password ?

(To be able to avoid the "first connect by Ethernet" step would be great)

Thank you in advance, basj
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Joined: 15 Mar 2014, 20:42

Re: RPi with no screen/keyboard/mouse, and wifi dongle

Postby ACX » 15 Mar 2014, 21:10

Hi basj, wi-fi support will be included out of the box from the next 0.3-beta version. In the meanwhile, you could make it work manually following .
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Re: RPi with no screen/keyboard/mouse, and wifi dongle

Postby basj » 15 Mar 2014, 21:30

Thanks for this link, I have already looked at it, but this overtechnical for me, I unfortunaltey won't manage to do it / won't have enough time to investigate on this.
I'll wait until next version of RuneAudio (by the way, do you have an idea about when 0.3 will be out ?) :)

A very very very simple way to do it (great for the final user, which has few Linux skills) would be :

* I can see a 90MB FAT partition on the SD card with a config.txt file.
Why not adding in this config.txt something like :
WifiSSID = MyWifiNetwork

No need for a GUI tool for wireless config :just a simple configuration file like config.txt or wireless.txt in the 90MB FAT partition of the SD card would be simple and enough :)
Even for Windows users like me !

Good luck !

Best regards! I can't wait to test RuneAudio !
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