RPi2+HifiberryDigi+ vs Ubuntu Studio with JACK

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Re: RPi2+HifiberryDigi+ vs Ubuntu Studio with JACK

Postby ercalamar » 15 May 2016, 21:29

Posts: 6
Joined: 11 May 2016, 13:17

Re: RPi2+HifiberryDigi+ vs Ubuntu Studio with JACK

Postby dunghnguyen » 05 Jun 2016, 09:41

@ercalamar: you have done of those on the Raspberry Pi or on PC?

My case with Odroid C2 / Ubuntu MATE, I installed Audacious successfully. I tried playing music that Audacious played perfectly with Pulse output but failed with Alsa output setting "no support or something like that". JackCtl installed successfully but it was unable to connect as an output for Audacious ... I guess the MPD for 64bit board like Odroid C2 still have some issues, inconsistent ?
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