RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

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RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

Postby jervas75001 » 18 Jan 2017, 17:53

Hi everybody,
I'm a newbie on rpi hardware.
I have planed to buy a rpi3 + hifiberry DAC+ pro, but I read lot of topics about the power supply.
With a rpi2, it's seems the power supply was sometimes a problem, and that the rpi3 has a "biggest" power consumption than the rpi3.
It seems too that if the power supply is not enough powerfull, there will be problem using rpi3, wifi and DAC.
So, my question is: to use a RPi3 with wifi connection and a hifiberry DAC+ Pro, what kind of power supply do I need? 2.5A or 3A?
What is the risk to use a 3A power supply instead of a 2.5?
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Re: RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

Postby mo86 » 18 Jan 2017, 20:49

I'm using the original 2.5A power supply with my rpi3 + hifiberry dac+ (standard) + wifi.
No problems here, it runs 24/7.
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Re: RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

Postby TommyBoy » 18 Jan 2017, 23:53

I use 2A types and 3A types, on my different players,
run both the PI3 and wifi and 1TB USB disc no problems at all.
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Re: RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

Postby jervas75001 » 19 Jan 2017, 10:17

Ok, thanks for your answer.
Do you think, there will be a quality difference between the official rpi PSU @ 10€ or an eBay chinese PSU @3€ ?
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Re: RPi3 what kind of power supply, 2.5A or 3A?

Postby ianhaynes » 19 Jan 2017, 10:48

Best to stick to the Raspberry Pi rather than a unit of unknown quality. If you have any 5v adapters from phones or tablets you could try those as well to judge the difference in quality. They need to be 2A upwards. It's a low noise level that's important and they do vary in this.

You might take a look at a YouTube video by Hans Beekhuyzen where he compares the standard Pi PSU with some other (more expensive) versions. As a result of seeing this I'm experimenting with linear supplies and do now believe there's an audible difference.

One simple mod you can make to help minimise noise from a standard PSU is to put a ferrite bead on the cable close to the Pi. It needs to be large enough to get the mini-usb connector through and loop the cable round once.

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