RPi3 WiFi issue and lengthy boot (solved)

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RPi3 WiFi issue and lengthy boot (solved)

Postby trumpy81 » 15 Sep 2016, 07:16

GDay All,

I have just setup an RPi3 Model B to run RuneAudio. I soon discovered that I was having a major issue with playback of Flac files stuttering and breaking up badly. I tracked down the problem to the built-in WiFi on the RPI3.

So I added a mini USB WiFi dongle and proceeded to disable the built-in Wifi. I read the instructions somewhere on this board and got things working, then I fired up WinSCP and found that there was already a 'disable_rpi3_wifi_bt.conf' file present in /etc/modprobe.d/ so I deleted the file I had created and edited the disable_rpi3_wifi_bt.conf instead. :lol:

It works perfectly, no booting to the built-in WiFi and Flac plays perfectly, but now, when I start the RPi3, I see the rainbow screen, followed by the 4 Raspberries and then the runeaudio login: screen.

The problem is, before I edited the .conf file, the image would boot to the RuneAudioUI screen in about 30secs or so. Now, it stops at the runeaudio login screen for 1.5mins or more before it boots into the RuneAudioUI screen.

Something I did notice is that if I log into the RPi3 using WinSCP, it will immediately skip the runeaudio login: page and go straight to the RuneAudioUI page. I have no idea why though?

I don't think I did anything or touched anything I shouldn't have, so why does it take so long to boot up now?

Any help would be appreciated.
Andy M

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Re: RPi3 WiFi issue and lengthy boot

Postby hondagx35 » 15 Sep 2016, 10:32

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Re: RPi3 WiFi issue and lengthy boot

Postby trumpy81 » 15 Sep 2016, 11:40

Thanks for the reply Frank. :)

That fixed the login issue and you were spot on, I did connect the dongle before I disabled the internal WiFi.

Now I am a happy camper. :)
Andy M

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B + 7" Touch Screen + ABS enclosure - Raspberry Pi 2 Model B + Wavshare 7" IPS + HiFiberry DAC+ Pro + Bicolor Case - Synology DS1813+ with 8 x 4TB
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