by Aquarius » 04 Jun 2015, 09:23
Rune (and probably Volumio, too) use custom built packages for mpd, the kernel and a couple of other things. Thus, installing Kodi on top will be easey but making it work will not.
I've tried that last year with (if I remember correctly) Volumio 1.2.
It worked but I had to manyally downgrade/change some packages so that kodi would install fine. I'm more a debian guy so fidling with apt-get was fine for me but I wouldn't try that for Rune because of its ArchLinux roots. I suspect it would be pretty much the same story. I haven't tried it because I don't know much about pacman yet.
Note that having Kodi AND RuneOS use the same Hifiberry Digi will also be difficult. MPD is configured to use the sound card exclusively and will not be happy if you force it to give it to kodi. In my setup last year, Kodi used the HDMI output for audio.
Conclusion: it can work but it's a pain.
EDIT: I chose the lasy way and uses a HTPC under Unbuntu Linux. The box is based on a bay-trail-D intel chipset.
-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683