Rune was starting to fall behind Volumio and Moode, but I would consider Rune to be in first place as of this version. Here is what I like .vs the others:
-Fastest boot time. From the time I click restart until I have an active session again seems to be about 15 seconds. That's even using wireless.
-Wireless works great! Connects the first time every time and stays connected forever. The reception is great too. Volumio kept dropping the wireless connection and or it would be very slow with part of the interface missing intermittently. I can even stream music using WiFi with no dropouts in Rune.
-Volume control. My son has a DAC with a headphone amplifier and the volume control from his phone is nearly perfect. The buttons go in single steps without glitching or hanging and the rotary volume control works well too. Something that Volumio and Mode both struggle with. I have volume disabled on mine because it goes straight to an integrated amp.
-Great sound quality. Everything sounds more present with great bass response. Good highs and very natural sounding.
I see all of these people posting issues. Just wanted to point out what was right.
One question. Every version of Rune appears to be a beta. If 0.4 is available then why is the newest version in the download section 0.3?