Rune 0.4 Spotify no sound (edit: wrong output)

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Rune 0.4 Spotify no sound (edit: wrong output)

Postby hansh64 » 26 Apr 2016, 17:40


Can't get Spotify to run anymore. RuneUI says it's playing (Playback tab) but I hear no sound.

Using release version: 0.4 (build: beta-20160313) on RPi2 and USB DAC (Micromega Mydac). Worked before!

In Settings the Spotify On/Off switch is greyed out once Spotify has been started from the Library and can't be used. I do get to see the Spotify playlists, can select a list to play and in Playback it looks like Spotify is playing. But then again, no sound.

ps aux | grep spop shows Spotify daemon is running.

Edit: Spotify is running thru my Hifiberry Digi+ ....... ??? Should be running thru my USB DAC, as it always did.


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Re: Rune 0.4 Spotify no sound (edit: wrong output)

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Apr 2016, 17:58

Hi Hans,

use "MENU->MPD->Audio output interface" to select your USB-DAC.

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Re: Rune 0.4 Spotify no sound (edit: wrong output)

Postby hansh64 » 29 Apr 2016, 09:18

Hi Frank,

USB DAC is already selected, when playing in "MPD-mode" the USB output is used but when selecting Spotify sound is diverted to my SPDIF (HifiBerry Digi+).

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Re: Rune 0.4 Spotify no sound (edit: wrong output)

Postby hansh64 » 01 May 2016, 15:25


I managed to get it working by editing libao.conf and let dev= point to my USB DAC (in my case hw:0,0). Should this be done automatically?

Edit: just switched audio output interface in MPD Configuration screen several times and now libao.conf is changed like it should. Funny thing is it didn't change when I started this thread...

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