HI Folks
Sorry that my first post is not a happy event but I am absolutely, at my wits end with this app, frustrated and angry!
I have one thing to say, how the hell are we supposed to set the IP address of the pi when we don't know which of the many methods are supposed to be used ( and I have tried them all!!!). Can someone please explain the stupid assertion in the quickstart help, that if you plug in a wireless lan usb module that it will automatically log into your wifi network? How many of you people run wifi networks without passwords? bloody none! that's how many! So how can it log in without a password? I bloody cant.. so forget that stupid idea!' I started out running on a RPi2 and despite the ridiculous default situation of not having the cursor enabled, I managed to get the IP Network configured and everything running by blindly moving the mouse around until I saw the required button go 'grey', etc.etc (this version boots to a gui with no obvious method of getting back to the operating system to make the suggested changes to config files, and no description of how to get there!!!. very painful!!! Anyway, I got it running and guess what! surprise, surprise, it runs like a lame dog! Next I tried a RPi3+, Revelation people! IT DOESN'T WORK, the file provided for an RPi3+ does not run, End of Story! Nothing wrong with my PI, it runs the latest version of Buster no problems, power supply is 7.5 amp so that's not the issue!. Next step, I try a RPi Zero W! again, no way to set the IP address, tried every bloody suggestion in the help, edited the dpcfcd.conf file, with both Eth0 and a wlan0 USB modules. The Pi can see the modules but nothing I did would get it to set an IP address!
I have tried nmap, it doesn't see either of the interfaces!, I have looked at the connections from my router, It only shows MAC addresses, not IP addresses. I am not a newb to linux or raspberry pi's, I have installations running crucial industrial apps all over the world on Pis. So eight hours later I am no closer to anything! My frustrated opinion is that the problem is with the fact that the application is only supplied as a complete image, so no one knows what system parameters we are dealing with without hours of research! If it was a case of installing the app with a simple 'sudo arp-get install runeaudio' etc. we certainly wouldn't have to go through all this bullshit! Again I apologise for my tone, but I am at the end of my endurance!!!