Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

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Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby SimonD » 30 Oct 2020, 13:51

HI Folks
Sorry that my first post is not a happy event but I am absolutely, at my wits end with this app, frustrated and angry!
I have one thing to say, how the hell are we supposed to set the IP address of the pi when we don't know which of the many methods are supposed to be used ( and I have tried them all!!!). Can someone please explain the stupid assertion in the quickstart help, that if you plug in a wireless lan usb module that it will automatically log into your wifi network? How many of you people run wifi networks without passwords? bloody none! that's how many! So how can it log in without a password? I bloody cant.. so forget that stupid idea!' I started out running on a RPi2 and despite the ridiculous default situation of not having the cursor enabled, I managed to get the IP Network configured and everything running by blindly moving the mouse around until I saw the required button go 'grey', etc.etc (this version boots to a gui with no obvious method of getting back to the operating system to make the suggested changes to config files, and no description of how to get there!!!. very painful!!! Anyway, I got it running and guess what! surprise, surprise, it runs like a lame dog! Next I tried a RPi3+, Revelation people! IT DOESN'T WORK, the file provided for an RPi3+ does not run, End of Story! Nothing wrong with my PI, it runs the latest version of Buster no problems, power supply is 7.5 amp so that's not the issue!. Next step, I try a RPi Zero W! again, no way to set the IP address, tried every bloody suggestion in the help, edited the dpcfcd.conf file, with both Eth0 and a wlan0 USB modules. The Pi can see the modules but nothing I did would get it to set an IP address!
I have tried nmap, it doesn't see either of the interfaces!, I have looked at the connections from my router, It only shows MAC addresses, not IP addresses. I am not a newb to linux or raspberry pi's, I have installations running crucial industrial apps all over the world on Pis. So eight hours later I am no closer to anything! My frustrated opinion is that the problem is with the fact that the application is only supplied as a complete image, so no one knows what system parameters we are dealing with without hours of research! If it was a case of installing the app with a simple 'sudo arp-get install runeaudio' etc. we certainly wouldn't have to go through all this bullshit! Again I apologise for my tone, but I am at the end of my endurance!!! :-(
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby Ears of Tin » 30 Oct 2020, 17:20

I assume you are attempting to install RuneAudio 0.5-beta (because download links for RuneAudio+Re5 has been replaced by RuneAudio+Re6). I also assume your hardware is a RPi3B+ since RA 0.5 will not run on a RPi3A+. That combination has worked for me so it can be done. I have never tried a RPi Zero.

There is trial and error to all of these systems but what works for me is to start with a wired lan connection. Then determine the IP address of the RPi - use you router software, try command "arp -a", etc. There are many ways. If you can find that IP address enter it into the address bar of any browser. That will call up the Rune UI and under the Network settings you can configure a wifi connection. Then you can disconnect lan. I agree that the lack of a cursor on a connected screen is annoying so use your phone e.g. to configure.

Easier said than done and I apologize if you have already tried.

I also recommended you download and image RuneAudio+Re6. It is the latest and greatest version. I upgraded last week. For me it has been more straightforward to setup. (I used to "pre-edit" the wifi0 file with network and password). Again I started with a wired connection and connected a display with HDMI. The Rune UI displayed the IP address which I configured for wifi and I was good to go.

Best of luck.
Ears of Tin
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby SimonD » 31 Oct 2020, 10:31

Well I finally managed to get an IP address configured and got it up and running, but I have to say that it beggars belief that when I ran it with the standard 7 inch touch screen that it is supposed to be configured for, It gives me a message that 'The network is not configured, press (the gear symbol) for setup. I press the button and not surprisingly, there is no option to set the network from there!.
Unfortunately the pain is not over for me yet, I am trying to run the audio out of an Allen & Heath QU-Sb mixing desk via USB. The app recognises the sound card but no audio comes through! I believe the issue is not with Rune because I can't get the audio to work with 'speaker-test' etc. I would appreciate if anyone has any insights or links to similar discussions please?
Cheers S
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby SimonD » 31 Oct 2020, 10:44

Can someone please tell me how to enable the cursor?
The supposed /root/.xinitrc does not exist!
RuneAudio:~ # ls --all
. .. .Xauthority .bash_history .cache .config .gnupg .pki .wget-hsts
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby SimonD » 31 Oct 2020, 11:30

Well it seems like I have wasted an entire two days with this thing! Now that I have got the thing running and functioning, I tried to get the app to connect to the wireless access point that is mounted in my band's stage rack, used for controlling the mixing desk from an iPad and for each of the band members to control their foldback mix. The idea is that the sound mixer will be able to play music during our breaks using rune controlled by the iPad. It sounds like a great solution but alas, it seems that whoever wrote this so-called app, decided that unless the app could see the internet from an access point then it would not connect to it!!! For obvious reasons our stage mixing network is definitely NOT on the internet! Please tell me that I am the one who is missing something? :-(
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby rastus » 01 Nov 2020, 08:11

Last edited by rastus on 01 Nov 2020, 08:40, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby rastus » 01 Nov 2020, 08:37

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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby ceejayemm » 01 Nov 2020, 11:19


Ok, lets try to be a bit more constructive.

First of all I would recommend the you use the latest RuneAudio+Re6 version for your RPi from the first post of this thread:


Flash the image to a good SD card (4/8GB will be fine), I use Balena Etcher but other methods are available. Before inserting the SD card into your RPi create the following file in the boot directory using the existing wifi0 file as as template but make sure you name the new file as wifi (with NO extension). This file should contain:

# Replace NAME and PASSWORD with the details needed to access your wifi network
# Save this file as 'wifi'


You might also want to create blank file called ssh (again with no extension) in the same location to make SSH'ing to the PI easier in future but that's up to you.

Use the new card to boot the RPi and once the boot process is finished use a browser on a PC/Mac to connect to 'runeaudio/' (or perhaps runeaudio.local or runeaudio.lan depending on your network setup). This should then display the initial RA Playback screen which should also show the IP number the DHCP server has allocated to the PI.

Once you have the RPI up and running I would connect to the PI via SSH rather than trying to get the cursor enabled on the touch screen. I would use the touchscreen purely for running RA and do any more detailed works / changes via an SSH based terminal session from the PC/Mac.

I am afraid I can't help you with the connection to the studio sound system as I don't know anything about this kind of stuff but one thing to check is that you have correct I2S module selected on the System page and the correct Device/Mixer settings on the MPD page. Whilst on the MPD page its worth turning the FFMeg Decoder setting ON as well.

I hope some of this helps, RA really isn't that difficult to sort out but isn't helped by the conflicting information on the website relating to older versions. Rern has done a really good job in getting RA+Re6 to the current level and it deserves a better press than it is getting from the website. Some of us are trying to get this sorted but so far no joy.

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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby Ears of Tin » 01 Nov 2020, 13:36

It would be a great service to all of humanity or at least the sunset that listens to music if the admins of this site would put Rune+Re6 on the download page. A few days ago someone posted on the Volumio forum that two year old 0.5-beta was the latest Rune. Ironic because Volumio users are asking for Bluetooth and song lyrics which Re6 provides.
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Re: Rune 5.0 RPi Zero IPaddress

Postby rastus » 01 Nov 2020, 22:24

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