Rune Audio for the car

Raspberry Pi related support

Rune Audio for the car

Postby jmcintyre » 16 Jan 2019, 07:51

I'm trying to use Rune on a Rpi 3 B, the official 7" touch screen and a HiFiberry DAC+ for automobile use. I think the general size of the screen buttons is too small for fat fingers and bouncing around while driving and such.

I've searched quite a bit for ways to increase the size or modify the UI, but am unable to come up with any tips that are usable at my knowledge level.

Any ideas to get bigger buttons and use more of unused screen space? Especially the control bar (play, stop) at the top and the volume knob.

Any help?
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Joined: 16 Jan 2019, 07:37

Re: Rune Audio for the car

Postby janui » 16 Jan 2019, 17:10

Hi jmcintyre,
See this thread, maybe it will give you some ideas: noob-question-rune-s-suitability-for-a-given-application-t6423.html#p25419
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Re: Rune Audio for the car

Postby jaygothard » 25 May 2021, 03:56

Playing music using your phone and your favorite streaming service over Bluetooth is pretty much the norm these days.

If you can hear an improvement between that and any high end source you can image you are either sitting still or your car has a MUCH quieter drivetrain than any car I have ever driven.
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Joined: 06 May 2020, 19:19

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