Rune Audio on a network with multiple vlans and a proxy

Raspberry Pi related support

Rune Audio on a network with multiple vlans and a proxy

Postby mdruni » 18 Sep 2015, 22:44


First off, Rune Audio is working great with a "normal" network / routing setup. I realize that this problem is related to my network/routing setup which is a combination of various vlans and a caching proxy. But, what I'm really looking for is information on how RuneAudio works to send Queue info, the name of the song, etc to the browser to help me troubleshoot the network/routing issue.

With the caching proxy implemented on the network, traffic on port 80 is automatically redirected through the caching proxy. I don't need the caching proxy for RuneAudio so I excluded traffic destined for RuneAudio. Now I can successfully get from say (my client) to (runeaudio on a Pi2) on port 80 with no redirection through the proxy. great.

The RuneAudio page will load and I can control the play features (play, pause, stop, forward, back), but I get a spinning icon for the song names and no status how far into the song I am (just a spinning icon in the center). The Queue is also empty even though I know it has many songs in it, and RuneAudio is playing them.

When RuneAudio is communicating back (ajax?) to the browser to load info into the page, something is going wrong, and it's definitely caching proxy related.


1). Any idea why the page loads, but I don't see the items described above (queue, song title, etc)
2). If I can't solve this problem, is there a way to make RuneAudio UI use a different port than 80 - this way I can avoid the caching proxy issue altogether.

Again, I realize this is an environment issue, but any help is appreciated.

Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Mar 2015, 05:03

Re: Rune Audio on a network with multiple vlans and a proxy

Postby mdruni » 19 Sep 2015, 02:49

Oh man... I have no idea why, but it's working properly now. Sorry about that.
Posts: 9
Joined: 30 Mar 2015, 05:03

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