Rune audio QR codes

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Rune audio QR codes

Postby Stwert » 12 Oct 2014, 00:00

I had a discussion with a friend recently about QR codes and he was talking about using them to connect devices together, rather than going to a webpage or whatever, and it struck me that that would be a good way for visitors to connect to http://runeaudio with their cell, rather than typing it in and accidentally googling for runeaudio or whatever.

So with a bit of illustrator work, I made these QR codes that direct to http://runeaudio. Hope the creative team behind the project doesn't mind me sharing these (I think I got the font right and I vector traced the logo).

RuneAudio_QR.png (5.07 KiB) Viewed 2016 times

Rune+RPi_QRCode.png (7.08 KiB) Viewed 2016 times

I tried placing the rune logo inside the raspberry pi logo, but it looked crummy. If there's other ideas I'd be happy to give 'em a try.
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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby ACX » 12 Oct 2014, 02:44

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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby davidgrundey » 12 Oct 2014, 21:47

At work I use NFC stickers that, when you touch them with your phone (providing you have NFC enabled) direct you to the IP of the device. Probably a bit overkill but works well.
Runeaudio.local is quite easy to remember though☺
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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby Stwert » 12 Oct 2014, 22:47

Yeah, I know, I've got a bookmark on my phone. I just thought it could be fun for visitors to use; maybe add to the magic of the system. I think on android you can have another qr code that allows access to your wifi without handing out the SSID and password. Scan one, scan the other and you're in.
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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby Fishstix » 14 Oct 2014, 19:32

You know, I will make real use of this. I am in a line of work where I regularly host people at my home, and having something like this is slick and clever, even if it is anything but necessary. I'll probably just print it out on cardstock (along with the static IP for folks that don't do QR codes) and leave it tented in the AV cupboard; it will make it easier for folks to use the tube amp and enjoy my collection. Thanks, Stwert, this will be fun!
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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby matt » 14 Oct 2014, 23:37

I think its a good idea for visitors etc. I tried it on my android phone and it didn't work I just get "web page not available".
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Re: Rune audio QR codes

Postby Stwert » 14 Oct 2014, 23:44

Matt, are you otherwise able to access your rune device on your local network? The QR code is for http://runeaudio/ so check if that works in your mobile browser. If it still doesn't work, you might have to use the actual IP and generate a QR code for that. Or maybe I just screwed something up. Either way, I'm happy there's a bit of interest. Granted, it's not the most useful thing in the world, but these projects for me are all about adding and modifying little bits and pieces here and there to create a unique experience.
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