Rune Connected but No Sound

Raspberry Pi related support

Rune Connected but No Sound

Postby aholloway17 » 20 Apr 2017, 12:41

I recently purchased, assembled, and installed Runeaudio Beta on my new RPI3. The RPI 3 was the bundled DAC+ from HIFIBerry. The system boots, connects to WiFi, and Spotify. I have also successfully installed the app for android on my Galaxy S7. The RPI is connected via the RCA jacks to a functioning Sunfire Pre-Amp connected to two Carver Amps. However, when a song is selected to play no audio. The app indicates it is playing (the pause icon is present) and all the information with regards to my playlists, song titles, artists names are there but the elapsed time doesn't move much beyond 15 or 20 seconds. FYI, I am new to the whole RPI world!



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Joined: 20 Apr 2017, 12:23

Re: Rune Connected but No Sound

Postby hondagx35 » 20 Apr 2017, 15:57

Hi Allen,

with the official version, you have to enable your DAC first.
To do this you have to edit the file /boot/config.txt see .
By using my latest you can enable your DAC from the settings page.

With booth versions, you also have to select your DAC on the MPD settings page.

If all this does not help please post your .

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