Rune'd Pi on the road?

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Rune'd Pi on the road?

Postby MuseChaser » 17 May 2016, 14:23

I'm about to take a several-day road trip and there's wifi where I'll be staying. It'd be great to take my Rune'd Pi along so I can listen to a couple great HD classical and jazz webradio stations I've found and added to the Rune library without having to have my laptop open. I use the Rune'd Pi every day at home, and I'm not looking forward to being without it.

Is there a way to input the passwords for the new network via my laptop once I get there? There won't be any way to hook the Pi up to a monitor nor to an ethernet cable at my destination.

Just curious. Thanks!

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Re: Rune'd Pi on the road?

Postby silvrr » 17 May 2016, 16:09

If your laptop will have a wireless connection you can share that connection if you have an ethernet connection on your laptop. Not all laptops have them these days (Apples for sure don't an a lot of 'ultrabooks' don't) This is how I have setup Rune every time and although it takes a few extra steps it works nicely.

just google sharing internet connection with your applicable windows version after to get instructions from Microsoft.
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Re: Rune'd Pi on the road?

Postby Dohmar » 18 May 2016, 01:06

If your Pi and laptop are going to be away from your router, you're going to need to set a static ip on both the pi and the laptop (preferably while you're still at home and can test connectivity). Once in the hotel, use a crossover cable from the laptop to the pi and you'll be able to communicate that way.

As mentioned above, if your laptop has wireless you can bridge your wifi and ethernet networks and let the pi route via your laptop, but you'd need to set the default gateway and dns servers that the hotel provides

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