Rune doesn't boot, others do

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Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 12 Dec 2016, 13:36


Since I fried my setup by enclosing it in a plastic box, putting it on top of the amp and next to a radiator... I've been trying to set rune up on an rpi2. It just won't boot. I turn it on and get the power light correctly then 4 long flashes and 4 short flashes on the activity light. This repeats constantly. Raspian, and NOOBS boot as does m**de audio, however rune doesn't which I have never had a problem with and volumio doesn't which I've never got to work (so no change there then).

I'm using the download from the downloads page on an rpi2 that only has the ethernet cable connected to it. I've tried to different mains socket and have a good quality power source and USB cable.

Any thoughts anyone?
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Dec 2016, 17:45

Hi thedman! ,

please check again the file you wrote to your sd card.
Depending on the sd card tool the downloaded file has to be extracted first.
The file should be:

Also see .

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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 12 Dec 2016, 18:09

Thats is the same file, I have tried loads of times, some following ... setup-mac/ and some using etcher. Most recently I tried a brand new SD card, formatted using sdFormatter following ... setup-mac/ to the letter and still no dice.

i'll try a few more times and report back...
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 12 Dec 2016, 22:53

My pi2 is version 1.2 here:

Could this be causing a problem??
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby hondagx35 » 12 Dec 2016, 23:16

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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby dario » 13 Dec 2016, 23:52

I have a similar problem with one Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2 (2014) board.
RuneAudio doesn't boot, the red and green leds stay always on.
Booting Raspbian on the same Pi with another sd card is ok.
Booting RuneAudio from the same sd card into another Raspberry Pi B+ V1.2 (2014) is ok (!).
I've tried with two sd cards (different brand): same result.
Connected a hdmi monitor: no log.
The card was formatted via SDFormatter (MS Windows) as BOOT disk and the image was written via Win32DiskImager.
The image file is "RuneAudio_rpi_0.3-beta_20141029_2GB.img".

Thanks for any suggestion,
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 15 Dec 2016, 11:15

Done rpi-update, still not working... is there anymore updates i need to do???

rpi-update.tiff (193.72 KiB) Viewed 1643 times
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 15 Dec 2016, 16:56

After doing this, I installed raspbian on another SDCARD put it in my pi and tried rip-update and it updated again to the same firmware... is the firmware not stored on the pi not the sdcard???
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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby hondagx35 » 15 Dec 2016, 17:30

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Re: Rune doesn't boot, others do

Postby thedman! » 15 Dec 2016, 18:41

Thanks for getting back to me,

I have a pi 1 that boots rune... won't that just get the firmware for a pi 1 though??


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