Rune inaccessible, getting a login screen

Raspberry Pi related support

Rune inaccessible, getting a login screen

Postby BrianD » 09 Sep 2015, 21:31

My Rune running on a RPi 1B with Hifiberry DAC-RCA was working superbly up to the weekend. Then it stopped and has been inaccessible since - I just get the spinning 'connecting' wheel.. I decided to hook it up yo a monitor to see if anything was going on. When it boots up it's showing a copyright message and a runeaudio login promt.

Any ideas on what's gone wrong here and how to rectify? Tried rebooting a few times.

Normally, it's on an ethernet connection and I can connect fine via any of my iOS and Android devices.
Raspberry Pi B
HifiBerry DAC RCA
HifiBerry Case
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 Sep 2015, 21:21
Location: Dublin, Ireland

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