Rune / Kali / Piano 2.1 active x-over

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Rune / Kali / Piano 2.1 active x-over

Postby nic » 25 Aug 2017, 18:54

Hello ,
It would be nice to get those 2nd set of phonos/DAC in use :) Are there any plans to add more crossover frequencies (such as 1.5khz etc ) so a full 2 way active setup could be achieved ?


Pi3 , Kali / Piano 2.1 (with dedicated choke input PSU) ----6SN7 beta follower---BUZ900P choke loaded source follower---Beyma 15XT in 230l cabinets/TPL150H AMT .
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Re: Rune / Kali / Piano 2.1 active x-over

Postby hondagx35 » 26 Aug 2017, 14:10

Hi nic,

this a question for the Allo team, because they have to offer the firmware files.

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Re: Rune / Kali / Piano 2.1 active x-over

Postby nic » 14 Sep 2017, 21:37

Sorry for the late reply and as always , thanks for the insight . I can now understand a bit better the constraints Rune is limited by :) I sent an email to Allo regarding this , I think the Piano 2.1 can be made a lot more flexible . In fact , as a DSP is involved , I'm pretty sure that DAC could even be configured for balanced operation .

I had a play this evening with an active sub which was promising but not ideal considering my mains are big 15" co-ax drivers and the Koda 8 is an 8" driver in a considerably smaller box . Extremely easy to set up , so I have high hopes for a 2.2 full active setup in future


Pi3 , Kali / Piano 2.1 (with dedicated choke input PSU) ----6SN7 beta follower---BUZ900P choke loaded source follower---Beyma 15XT in 230l cabinets/TPL150H AMT .
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