Rune Ui in an iframe => need to scale down

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Rune Ui in an iframe => need to scale down

Postby rasti » 01 Jun 2015, 10:10


is it possible to force scale Rune UI down or bruteforce
to use a specific width/height (e.g. by changing something
in the css or php files , using smaller graphics) ?

I am trying to display Rune UI as an iframe on a android tablet browser.
The size of the iframe is smaller than the total tablet size.


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Joined: 21 May 2015, 16:27

Re: Rune Ui in an iframe => need to scale down

Postby ACX » 02 Jun 2015, 00:44

RuneUI is responsive and will automatically adapts to the dimension of the viewport. If the iframe container is smaller than the screen, RuneUI will adapt to that size.
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Re: Rune Ui in an iframe => need to scale down

Postby rasti » 02 Jun 2015, 06:57

see pictures attached from a 10" tablet

the full screen is boat browser on android,
the other is chrome on android

the boat browser representation is not resized at all, simply cut off
under chrome it is resized but the content only visible when scrolling down.

I should remark that the iframe is contained within a https page,
but the rune ui runs under http. In order to get that solved the iframe
calls a html file with a redirect, a html file with a single meta tag
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=''" >


iframe2.JPG (96.31 KiB) Viewed 1329 times
iframe1.JPG (99.17 KiB) Viewed 1329 times
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Joined: 21 May 2015, 16:27

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