Rune UI is slow

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Rune UI is slow

Postby Tantal » 28 May 2019, 10:07

recently the Interface is annoying slow.
Everytime I turn on or rotate the screen, I have "spinning wheels" for 10 sec.
In the past it was much faster, at least fast enough not to disturb.

Maybe there´s something like a cache to clear or any other ideas?
(I think I´m still on v0.3)

Rune version: 0.4 (build: beta-20160313) on RB Pi2 + HiFi-Berry
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby englishtim » 28 May 2019, 11:35

Hi Tantal,

This might be caused by a known issue with the service. Please refer to this post for more details:

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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby Golgi » 28 May 2019, 12:51

Hi Tantal,

Be happy it's only 10 seconds in your case ;-)
On my system (0.5b on RPi 3B+ with DigiOne Signature) it takes a whopping 30 seconds to refresh the (web)interface.
It seems to be related to the service, but this problem is lasting for several days now.
I use my RuneAudio setup every day, and this issue is a huge pain in the behind.

I started testing both Volumio and Moode, these systems don't seem to have this problem.
I really like RuneAudio, but I also like to have a properly functioning system.
Choices, choices....

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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby Tantal » 28 May 2019, 13:08

Ok, thanks for your answers.
So we have to wait and see :roll:

airplay, spotify and last-fm scrobbling is off and there is only 1 HD attached to the RB by usb / operation via wifi
also no problems with playback or library ..... just these 10sec-waits

However, I uploaded the debug-file, if someone is interested, but if it´s just last-fm .....
Rune version: 0.4 (build: beta-20160313) on RB Pi2 + HiFi-Berry
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby anana » 28 May 2019, 18:53

Hi. I'm glad I found this thread. I have had the same symptoms (spinning arrow on every refresh) for some days.

I tried cleaning my local cache/history, cleared/updated/rebooted pihole, refreshed gitpull at runeaudio/dev, rebuild mpd database and rebooted runeaudio and my router, etc. all to no avail.

Airport, DLNA, and everything else are switched off in my runeaudio.
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby dynobot » 28 May 2019, 21:25

Would something like iftop or some other network monitoring tool be of use to determine what is trying to connect to what and holding up the UI?

using iftop I can see as possibly being the problem....any way to remove this from Rune?
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby dynobot » 28 May 2019, 23:47

Looking around I can see the Lastfm issue won't be as simple as commenting out a few lines. Lastfm seems to be woven into a few files at various degrees.
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby dragos_nedelcu » 29 May 2019, 10:12

I tried cu restrict access to from the router to the static ip of the runeaudio. To no avail. Still slow or not working.
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby dragos_nedelcu » 29 May 2019, 10:49

Actually it is better now. Spins 20 sec after refresh, but works fine after. So, restrict from router and static ip to runeaudio.
But there is something else also. It still spins for some time after refresh with no answer.
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Re: Rune UI is slow

Postby Golgi » 29 May 2019, 10:54

I know it's not really a solution, but last evening I switched to Volumio for the time being.
Looks and works roughly the same as RuneAudio and I don't have to wait half a minute for the interface to refresh.
Once the issue with RuneAudio is resolved, I just pop the RuneAudio microSD card back in & update.... :)

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