Rune UI skin for MPD clients?

Suggestions/requests/ideas for RuneAudio core features and functions

Rune UI skin for MPD clients?

Postby Filip » 07 Nov 2014, 17:49

Hey there,

I've started using rune audio with raspberry pi a few days ago, and I'm very pleased with the looks, speed and sound quality of the setup. I love the UI, however, I find that having it opened in a browser is a pain sometimes due to:
- browser crashing occasionally
- clicking "back" button in the browser, rather than in the UI itself
- tab with rune UI being lost among other opened tabs
Thus, I consider installing gmpc, or something similar, to have the control of the music in a separate program. So, as I have no idea how difficult it is I would suggest, that using Rune UI, one could create a skin for gmpc (or some other MPD client) - to keep the great looks and addressing above issues.

What do you think? Also, is it possible?
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Nov 2014, 17:35

Re: Rune UI skin for MPD clients?

Postby ACX » 08 Nov 2014, 01:37

Hi Filip,
I suggest you to try , as it could solve almost all the issues you mentioned.
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Re: Rune UI skin for MPD clients?

Postby Filip » 10 Nov 2014, 15:55

Hey, this is actually not a bad solution - I'll try it for some time and see if it fits. Thanks!
Posts: 10
Joined: 07 Nov 2014, 17:35

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