Rune won't start at all

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Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 02 Dec 2015, 22:40


so I bought me a Raspberry Pi 2, Model B and downloaded the latest Rune release for that model, the v0.3 beta (14/04/2015). I flashed a brand new 8GB Samsung SD card, following the steps on this web site for Mac users. I also bought me a HiFiBerry Digi+ Trandformer board and mounted it onto the Raspberry Pi. I plugged in my monitor, keyboard, mouse and the SD card and then the powered it up. Nothing happened. Both lights, the green and the red one next to the SD card slot glew. I tried this a couple of times, installed the Rune software to the SD card using different methods, but it won't even start. I also tried this with a network cable, a WIFI USB stick and changed all the plugs into different USB outlets of the Raspberry Pi.

The Raspberry Pi works fine with the official software. It also starts with the Volumio software (didn't find the network, but I didn't try to figure out why).

I'm not so much a Raspberry and Linux guy, so I would appreciate some help. It propably is a stupid thing I have overseen and/or made totally wrong.


Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Dec 2015, 22:44

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Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 02 Dec 2015, 23:45


(I knew it was something stupid I did do or did forget to do)

Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 03 Dec 2015, 19:56

Works fine now! Thanks for the hint.

Apropos: It needed some forum search to get the Digi+ board working. Wasn't hard at all, but such information propably should be presented somewhere more prominent.

Now I'm playing around with runeaudio's options. Feels nice at the moment.

Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Cloth Ears » 04 Dec 2015, 13:48

Have you had any success playing 24/192 FLAC files? I have exactly the same hardware setup as you and Ii'm unable to play 24/192 FLACs via the Digi+ coaxial Toslink output. Lower sample-rate files play fine (24/96) and the 24/192 files play fine via the analogue output to headphones, albeit at low quality.
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Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 04 Dec 2015, 15:27


Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Cloth Ears » 05 Dec 2015, 10:09

Many thanks for the suggestion, but the problem does not lie beyond the RP. I also have a Simple Audio Roomplayer+ and can successfully play 24/192 FLACs from that into the DAC of my AV amp. That tells me that the problem is with the RP/Digi+ combination.
Cloth Ears
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Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 05 Dec 2015, 21:35

Have you tried a different cable? Believe it or not: cable quality matters (I don't mean fancy 1 Zillion Dollar cables). Cheap Toslink cables can have problems with 24/192. Does the electrical output bring 24/192?

Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Cloth Ears » 06 Dec 2015, 17:41

I am using exactly the same cable to connect the RP with Digi+ and the Roomplayer+ to the DAC. I get perfect playback from the Roomplayer+ and garbled output from the RP with Digi+. That means that the problem is not with the cable.
Cloth Ears
Posts: 14
Joined: 12 Sep 2015, 20:40

Re: Rune won't start at all

Postby Grundgütiger » 07 Dec 2015, 19:39

Other than that, I can't think of anything else, except that the board propably is broken. I would ask HiFiBerry.

Sorry that I can't help :oops:


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