by cmh714 » 17 Jul 2014, 14:39
Rune 0.2 works GREAT for me. I worked out all the bugs and various issues that were plaguing me. I use an AudioQuest DragonFly with 24/192 ALL the time and never have issues at all. No noise, stuttering, etc. its Perfect!
I have almost 50k worth of FLAC files, almost all Live Concerts. In addition, I buy from HDTracks.
Now, 0.3 is far from where I can work on it. I would be more than happy to help, but cant seem to get anything in 0.3 to stick when I manually edit the files. If I could get a little assistance on that, I could go back to helping but right now, its not worth all my effort.
I generally work from home, so have plenty of time to mess with stuff. I am a Mod on a busy Droid forum, but could help here, if I could get it working myself.