by evozero » 12 Sep 2014, 12:04
Hi All,
My first post, be gentle!
I thought I would give some feedback on 0.3 alpha.
I have the Pi-DAC installed, a dlink Nas and 16GB Usb stick.
Initially I encountered difficulty setting up the WIFI, trying loads of command line stuff.
Eventually I discovered the easy way.
Boot rune with wired network, find IP address allocated by logging into my router.
Use any web browser to connect to the rune interface IP address and use the Network menu to configure the wifi and enter wifi passwords etc. Bingo! WIFI working and didn't have to reload the NAS library.
There is an issue with the library, it won't fully populate. It only has artists A to some of S, there are about 25K files and 200GB on the nas.
Tried multiple remounts and force library updates to no avail.
I did have the library fully populated after following Orion's libraryHome BUG instructions, but rune froze, required a reboot and I couldn't log back in to the web interface. I ended up rewriting the sdcard with 0.3 again.
Getting the web radio stream from the BBC was an easy work around in the end, Just download the .PLS file, open in a text editor and paste the URL. Works like a charm.
I had stuttering of Hi Res files due to this bug.
[root@runeaudio ~]# mpc enable only 3
Output 1 (Schiit USB Audio Device) is disabled
Output 2 (bcm2835 ALSA) is disabled
Output 3 (snd_rpi_iqaudio_dac) is enabled
We are already working to fix this small but nasty bug.[/quote]
The only format that won't play is DSD, even off USB stick, it displays Stereo, dsd bit, 352.8 kHz, 0 kbps but no sound comes out. I have tried enabling DSD support in the MPD settings?
I'm not sure how to use the hardware volume control with my PIDAC so have just left MPD software volume.
What would be the correct method?
I think Rune is a brilliant application, I would happily pay for this software once released.
My requests would be a way of copying files to local storage over the network, spotify and Last fm integration.
Many thanks