Great work! Great sound! Very promising!
Wifi is hard to install. To get 'add new mount'- is a randomplay. Suddenly I was able to specify my router, but several times it didn't work.
Edimax Dongle was very hard to install and afterwards it frequently has lost connection. I think it has something to do with it's power management.
It had to be disabled in Volumio to work stable. Probably you didn't think of this.
A logilink mini dongle worked immediately.
Some radiostations I regularely listen to do not start at every klick.
When changing from one track to another- in my case from radio to USB files or vice versa rune crashed.
it happens again and again. Display then shows 'connecting'- animation. From this point it is impossible to get into rune again- reboot required.
When running rune there are frequent connection losses- only for some seconds. That occurs I think 3 to 4 times in a minute.
If it contributes to good sound- I can live with it

That is what I discovered in the relatively short test phase.
One thing: What really is massively disturbing is the blue information field that prevents me from viewing and klicking an additional button.
It takes much too long till it disappears. I don't need this info at all, it's completely unnecessary to me.
If there is no way to kill this function is it then possible to place it on a more neutral place? That would help.
Thanks for this tremendous efforts! It will be perfect soon! Again: Sound is great!
Is there rune audio planned for Cubietruck and Odroid U3? That are interesting platforms as I think.
Greetingz, Robert