RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi related support

Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby Fishstix » 23 Sep 2014, 02:09

Hey Folks!

My RPi B+ showed up in the mail about a week ago, and with all of your hard efforts, it is running .3 alpha with no problems. I found that you really want to properly eject your card when you flash it, the system corrupted if I just pulled it, no exceptions. Once I figured that out, it ran like a charm.

I am using the headphone jack directly out to my tube amp, and while it isn't world-changing, it really sounds just fine for casual listening. I picked up the HiFIBerry DAC+, and am very much looking forward to the 0.3 beta, and the DAC+ support. I am *excited* to hear the difference between the two! In the meantime I find that using the headphone jack when the DAC+ is installed, even if I am still on analog output, keeps me from getting any output. Probably not an issue in a few days; hopefully I'll get to use the DAC+s RCA outputs. Again: excited.

All in all, I've found this rig to be very stable. Clean sound, though I don't have enormous libraries, or extra high quality files. Most of it is at 320kbps and 44100hz. I really appreciate the software volume defeat, it completely removes the background hiss. I have everything on a thumb drive, so power needs aren't high. It's a SanDisk 64Gb formatted in NTFS. With four USB ports, future expansion should be easy. I had trouble formatting the thumb drive to Ext4 *and* keeping sudo rights for the thumb drive itself. NTFS works just fine. With 9.2k files and 60 gigs of music, the initial map of the files is pretty fast, a minute or two at the most. Everything after that is blazing fast, no noticeable lag time for searches or queuing up tunes.

I live off-grid, in the woods where I charge my battery bank as rarely as possible, which is why this was such an enticing system. Very low wattage. It would be nice to have standalone wireless, and be able to turn off the router. But I understand that's not what this system is built around, and with it's simplicity and robustness, it has ended up being the most minor of disappointments. Totally worth it. I *do* find that the system has a hard time booting up after it's been turned off cold. I turn my battery bank off every night, so if I haven't been using it in the evening it gets shut off mid stream, and I usually have to reflash the disk. I will learn to turn it off properly, but it would be nice to see the system more immune to power outages.

I've found that a Kindle Fire, 1st gen, tends to constantly (every ~20s) reconnect, along with the spinning arrows and the dimmed screen. Not an issue as such but it always sets me back to the top of the Library Screen, so it's hard to navigate to the bottom of my music library without getting booted back out. It's only an issue on the Kindle. A desktop with a wired connection and Chrome browser works seamlessly, as does a MacAir over wireless and a Firefox browser. In fact, I've been very impressed with the WebGI in general. Ones I've seen in other applications are always clunky, slow, and ugly. RuneAudio is beautiful, fast, smooth. Very very like. The only request is larger buttons; I have fat fingers, and this is sometimes difficult after splitting a bottle of wine. Again, I turn the power off to everything at night, so putting everything on the house on static IPs has made life much simpler, and less electronically argumentative.

This is my first foray into Webradio, and Dirble is dizzyingly large. It's like watching the ocean and having the ocean watch back at you. I'll wade in slowly.

This has been fun and educational, and I have a pretty sweet system now. So, a HUGE thanks to the developers for the vision, hard work and long hours. I really appreciate it. Thanks to the moderators for running a great forum, and to all the savvy contributors that make this a positive place to be. You all are awesome people.

All the Very Best!
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby ACX » 23 Sep 2014, 11:20

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby Fishstix » 23 Sep 2014, 20:00

That's so exciting! You guys have so much on your plate, and so many requests for features/new board support, I assumed these would be nearly off the radar. I look forward to enjoying them when they roll out. Again, I am loving this duo, and I'll be getting loads of love out of it until those updates. Don't burn yourselves out; you work so hard!

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby runeaudio29 » 25 Sep 2014, 04:46

I leave mine plugged in, but when I goto connect to it after a couple of days I can't it's almost as if it gets corrupted.
Psu or ds card possibly?
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby fuscitas » 25 Sep 2014, 07:57

If you put the os filesystem in readonly mode wouldn't that mean that the users would be unable to change the os/ install software and change config files? I have to say i would dislike this und would prefer it to be optional instead. I like messing around with things and my raspi could do so much more than "just playback music" :D
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby Aquarius » 25 Sep 2014, 09:31

-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby runeaudio29 » 25 Sep 2014, 11:30

Hi, so I re-imaged the SD card again, then after a few hours later went to stream from the iPad to my DAC (which I had to power up as it has a power saving mode).
Same problem just won't stream to runeaudio just falls back to ipad and its really frustrating, I grabbed the debug log for any of you gurus to have a look at why it bombs out!.

Edit:left it a while now it's playing again, weird!
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby bleu34 » 26 Sep 2014, 09:10

Thanks guys for your promising job on 0.3.
I experienced too much instabilities for the moment as this is an Alpha version but when this will be solved it is clear that it will Rune them All !
Compared to others, the best things for me are : cover art, playlist management & webradio list management.

I was also wondering if you could add native support to bluetooth dongle to allow direct bluetooth connection from smartphone/ipad to the raspberry Pi in case people just want to stream their music to the Pi without any network configuration (eg when a friend come at home and simply want to make you listening to the last song he has on his phone). Do you have that in your plan or do you consider it will never be implemented in Rune ?
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby ACX » 26 Sep 2014, 10:31

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-alpha for Raspberry Pi

Postby wick » 27 Sep 2014, 18:53

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