Hi there,
Really nice release. I have been waiting to update from raspyfi to runeaudio for a while. Theme improvements and new features, outputs options and integrated last.fm scrobbling are really nice. Playlists are now avalaible from mpdroid which is nice. I can not give any feedback about usb, wifi, airplay, playing high quality music (only 16/44.1) and other file format than flac unfortunately.
My setup is runaudio in dhcp (wired) getting a database of flac only from a synology using cifs. My output is a nuforce on usb. Whereas everything is working fine with raspyfi (no drops, hardware volume) I had to struggle as to have my nas mounted. It worked quite straightforwardly here.
Some thoughts though:
1/ already reported by tc-fi; ntp server does not update (/etc/ntp.conf checked) and no timezone selection / /etc/hosts not updated when hostname modified
2/ avahi support for the web interface
3/ mode consume gone (I don't know actually if it was there in the previous releases)
4/ local coverart (I have read somewhere on these forums it was available though) seems to be fetched from internet although I have cover.jpg and file embedded covers
5/ Audio buffer size settings says 2048 is default. However for me it was 1024.
6/ internationalization (well seems to be coming)
7) a way to update without flashing sd (or maybe a way to export configuration, database and playlists
8/ a library browsing through artists, albums and genre (and files).
Unfortunately I have a small issue which prevents me from using it. I can't adjust volume using any client. I tried to disable outputs with mpc but no luck. Using "alsamixer -c 1" works. Hardware volume is enabled.
Debug information:
Well done!