I havent posted yet since release because I was out of town.
Flashed this morning and have been testing on a Pi B+ (havent tried in the B yet), first thing I did was the gitpull on Page 5, then walked through the UI setting everything up the way I need it, had the usual troubles with wifi (even though the UI is a ton better) I dont believe the code is working properly for hidden SSID but regardless copied my wlan0 profile from my alpha version and had wifi up in minutes. I didnt need to do any mods to get either of my DAC's working (AudioQuest DragonFly and Rotel RDD-1580) with files all the way to 24/192 (on the Rotel, the DF only goes to 96) working GREAT!!
A little surprised to see so many packages that need updating, but I will start another thread for that like I did for the alpha even if no one else looks, it helps me stay updated
GREAT Job you Guys!!
PS. only other issue I have is Jamendo just spins, but I really dont care....just stating