Hey All!
Thanks to the team and everyone's efforts to clear up the first rash of bugs, my B+ and HiFiBerry DAC+ are
off to the races. My issues are similar to everyone elses; I can't get the Pi to connect after I've set a static IP. I have been setting it at just so guests in my home can lock in the address easier. In MPD, choosing the audio output interface 'snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus' does not stick between boots, reverting to either analog or HDMI output. As others have said, I think it's UI as well; the music still plays, and I don't have the analogue Rpi output plugged in. Confusing, but it works great. It was fun discovering the /dev page, and the GitPull fixed the stuck MPD page stall. I have the same hardware volume control issues, though that's not a big issue; I prefer to disable volume control and use my amp. (I see there is a workaround, but until I learn how to work SSH, I won't be able to use it for a bit yet.) The knobs dissapear once in a while, but not often. The USB flash drive library is oddly slow to populate; 5-10 minutes, up from 2-3 with the same 70GB library. It doesn't always populate/update immediately after a new flash. If I wait fifteen minutes, it will do it on it's own, or of course I can force the library update through the sources screen. But that's where my issues end. I've been remarkably impressed with everything. My system is pretty simple; I am not using a Wifi Dongle or NAS drive; just a Pi, Dac and USB memory.
Debug info for the interested:
24/192 works just fine; I normally run 16/44 files, but I downloaded a few HD tracks for testing. Clean, no stuttering. The UI feels faster, and the debug return times reflect that. Cover art works great, which is not at all necessary, but puts a smile on my face.
The biggest and most important difference is the audio quality. Previously I had been using the output from the B+'s headphone jack and it was *noisy.*

I don't have golden ears, and I can't tell the difference between CD quality and HD. Still, having a quiet system, with as little hum, hiss, static and pops as possible is really important to me. The difference there is night and day. 0.3 Beta, and the ability to use the HiFiBerry DAC+ has made this little rig DEAD QUIET.

Some of my favorite tracks are ones where there are pauses and quiet spaces that highlight the music. Background noise really ruins those passages. So this is just *wonderful.* I said above I don't have the most discerning ears, but it's easy to hear deeper bass extension, brighter but not tinny highs, a simple warmth to everything and everything is noticeably more clear. I can still hear the difference between this and my very best vinyl, but RuneAudio on this platform is at least in the same ballpark, which is maybe the best compliment I can give.

When I got everything running, I stayed up until 4 in the morning listening, and spent the entire next day in the same place. The family came over this weekend, and while they are more casual listeners than myself, they were very impressed with the setup.
BIG thanks to the RuneAudio team for their long hard toils, especially as it came down to the wire. And then getting right back in the fray to fix up the handful of issues that cropped up. You would think they need to sleep *sometime.* (I hope you guys *are* catching up on sleep.) And thanks to the community for offering feedback so quickly. The first bootup would have been really distressing if you all hadn't figured workarounds so quickly. You're all amazing!

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