Ok, then it's a feature request: easier way to batch add and manage webradios and keeping the UI automatically in sync with MPD library.
BTW I don't get what you mean by "coherency with other MPD clients" by making the addition to redis db only manually by UI.
Shouldn't webradio that are on MPD library appear also on runeUI, to be coherent with clients?
I use mpdroid and if I go to library»files»webradios I can see all the files in the directory/library, even the ones I batch-dropped there that runeUI is not showing, and it can play all of them too (after updating library obviously).
gmpc it's the same, sonata too, I tried windows clients too and it's the same.
They access webradios directly from MPD library...
I don't get why the manual db addition in runeUI "is the only way to keep a coherency between the RuneUI and other MPD clients"... the mpd clients just read the webradio folder from library and nothing else, or I'm wrong and I'm missing something?
Where's the coherency if runeUI doesn't have webradios in redis db that mpd already has in its library?
I'm a layman, I know I oversimplified everything. I don't want to criticize, just learn and understand
EDIT: i think I got it... you're thinking on UI side: radios added by UI should be made available to mpd, and this works.
While I'm thinking the other side, the UI must read what's it's in mpd library. This isn't working.
I don't use guis a lot and prefer the speed of just dropping a bunch of radio files there xD
I guess it should work both ways to call it done...