RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby LC1 » 30 Oct 2014, 10:05

Last edited by LC1 on 31 Oct 2014, 09:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby sykodad » 30 Oct 2014, 10:13

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby PhM » 30 Oct 2014, 10:31

Small update for my previous post :

1- it's possible to 'lock' the audio output interface by saving the MPD Conf (not only select another interface) , it's kept after reboot (at least with my hifiberry dac) but the MPD Conf of Rune page don't show the correct choice (UI issue only I think).

2- On CPU load with software volume control and 192-24 files, it's around 17-18 % with leval at 100 and it jump to 20-21% when level it not at 100. This is a very small increase and thus demonstrate than the resampling process it very efficient (New MPD one I guess). I can hear those who will say it's not anymore bit perfect but the CPU load seems to prove that that it's bit perfect when playing a 100 andnot below (which is quite logical). If i'm correct, software controled level is just great cause it convenient and same time bit perfect when playing a 100...

3- Seems it's very very long to change to disabled control level, UI spinning for some minutes .... so there is probably something wrong, but it's possible just be patient ! :)
With volume control disabled, the CPU load is around 17-18 % with the same file (192-24) wich seems confirm that software control is really bitperfect at level 100

Guys, I have a small suggestion. I use two RPI, one with the hifiberry dac in office and another with USB connection to a TEAC UD-501 for my main system. I changeg the hostname of one through the UI and its just working fine !
My suggestion is to make the host name visible somewhere in the UI since the URL is not visible any more when using a chrome application link :)
My best suggestion would be to use the title tag for that, so that would be visible (and not intrusive) in the window title bar.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby ACX » 30 Oct 2014, 10:51

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby AudioS » 30 Oct 2014, 10:54

Yes, same in my setup.
When I change something in "General music daemon options" and click "Save and Apply", Rune stop working and "connecting" in infinity.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby Aquarius » 30 Oct 2014, 11:12

-- Aquarius
Hifi Gear: RuneAudio/Volumio on Raspberry Pi B + Hifibery Digi, Atoll ST200 (network streamer, DAC, pre-amp), Emotiva XPA-2, Bowers & Wilkins 683
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby PhM » 30 Oct 2014, 11:18

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby challenge » 30 Oct 2014, 11:37

Fresh install on raspy B+ with Iqaudio pidac+.

the good stuff:
- hardware volume control works on my iqaudio pidac+
- local cover art to mpdroid works (mpdroid settings here: )
- static ip wifi works (tried only wep) on edimax EW-7811Un, just setting it from the ui (after the first ethernet connection).
- it feels that it boots and connects faster to wifi than what was using before (v*****o), 40? seconds from cold and I can already access the UI and internet
- UI feels more polished and faster than v...
- web radio work.
- at every boot it always uses the pidac+(per settings) and it remembers the alsamixer volume from the previous session (GOOD)
- changing outputs on the fly from mpdroid works (you have just to stop and resume the current playing song)
- also I have the auto library update on, no problems.
- sound seems good for the little time I tried it.

the weird ones:

1) The interface, in MPD settings, sometime shows "RaspberryPi Analog Out" after reboots even if I'm playing from the pidac+, but I think it's an interface bug.
the settings are saved but the interface shows the defaults and not what's set to?

2) I just had "spinning wheel, connecting..." while applying some mpd settings(volume hardware control to disable), ui became unreachable by wifi and also mpdroid wasn't able to connect. But I was able to ssh via wifi :roll: .
I was able to ssh and ping google, ssh worked... so weird stuff.
I waited 5 minutes, it was still spinning and unreachable, so I powered it off. Weirdly rebooting from ssh didn't work, something was holding it from rebooting but I had no ethernet cable nor monitor to see.
After the forced reset, the settings were the one I saved. So it saved the settings but the UI crashed.

3) 24/192 some stutters as soon I do something else on the pi, top says mpd at 75-80% cpu while playing those (5500+ kbps files)
This on both hardware and disabled volume control.
If I ssh while it's playing 24/192 @5500+kbps, I get a stutter exactly at the moment I login, like it's topping out the cpu or something.

It was just a short listening session, I'll report more after a few days of use.
Issues aside, top work guys, thanks for it, major improvement over previous versions.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby Chanh » 30 Oct 2014, 11:59

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby asturnauta » 30 Oct 2014, 12:20

Static IP over ethernet connection is not working for me.
I configure eth0 with static IP with network optin in menu but after reboot raspi is not connected and it is not possible ping with terminal (connection is unreachable).

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