RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby a.dent » 24 Apr 2015, 10:11

I've flashed the same card 4 times with the same result.

Maybe I need to try another card. It is a 4GB card and is one I found lying around the house.

I'll get a bigger one tomorrow and try again.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby phuongdk » 05 May 2015, 03:07

Dear all,
May I using this (RuneAudio for Raspberry Pi) with Amanero USB to I2S ()?
Is this possible? Anyone has idea like me?
Many thanks!
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby viperman3 » 16 May 2015, 05:39

Running into a consistant issue with Runeaudio installed on a Raspberry Pi 2 with 0.3 beta code and updated using gitpull

Each day the webgui will stop responding to inputs. SSH access is usually still working and I can issue sysctl command but I can't get the RPi2 to respond to webgui command past one day. I consistantly have to reboot the Pi. I have tried reinstalling from scratch and the issue persists. I have also tried to use runeaudio on a RPi model B and still no-go past a day.

Here is the debug content. Hoping this can shed some light to the problem. I'm very curious how some users have their system operational going 2 weeks without the need to reboot.

I am using wifi (2.4Ghz @ 300mbps) to stream from my PC share folder. Another odd issue I've noticed is the IP address registered to the Pi2 shows up with two IP (, which is the static IP I setup with "runeaudio" as hostname and which shows up with "RUNEAUDIO" as the hostname)

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby hondagx35 » 17 May 2015, 15:15

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby viperman3 » 19 May 2015, 03:18

WebUI non responsive again. SSHed and ran the following:


output located here:

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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby mika-nl » 20 May 2015, 19:53

Hi viperman3

I had the same,
I use a fixed ip adress.. you also ?

what i did was stop the dhcp server with :
systemctl disable dhcpcd.service
and reboot my router and it seems the problem is gone.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby viperman3 » 21 May 2015, 04:58

Using static IP and issuing the command "systemctl disable dhcpcd.service" stopped the dual IP assignement I previously described, however, while connecting via ethernet cable, I've noticed the WebUI doesn't hang. Seems like the issue is with wifi connection, almost as if the usb wifi adapter is going to sleep and when I issue the "systemctl restart mpd" command the webUI instantly starts to respond.

Is there any way to auto run this command via script after a set interval ? My Archlinux abilities are quite limited.

usb wifi is TL-WN823N. Works out-of-the-box on Runeaudio without the need to tweak any settings/drivers
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby viperman3 » 21 May 2015, 12:45

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Installing pip install RPi.GPIO on runeaudio 0.3 Beta

Postby djazzz » 22 May 2015, 19:30


I am really impressed by runeaudio...
But i have a problem with installing rpi.gpio.

First i did:

pacman --noconfirm -Syy python python-pip

this runs without a problem.

then i try:

pip install RPi.GPIO

here it stops with this error:
Command "/usr/bin/python -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-build-1a6bldoz/RPi.GPIO/';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__).read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-4szxtui4-record/install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-1a6bldoz/RPi.GPIO

Does anybody perhaps know a solution to get this fixed?

(I want to use gpio to shutdown the raspberry through a switch.)
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Re: RuneAudio 0.3-beta for Raspberry Pi

Postby phuongdk » 01 Jun 2015, 05:25

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