Givitafarkinrestwillya. Oh yee of little faith... how soon you forget. It's free, it's high end, it's what you've been waiting for all your (audiophile) life... and if there was better, you wouldn't be here complaining about something you know very little about (software programming), you would be there (wherever 'there' is) using some other software (complaining there too I would wager).
Thank you gentle-men for Rune Audio, and all the hours and hours of fun installing, uninstalling, configuring, playing music, and above all, learning! Programming this software package takes time... hours and hours of installing, uninstalling, configuring, and even learning. And maybe, just maybe, after these kind folk have earned a living, kept the wife and children happy, just maybe they will commit some of their life (time) to this project. Let them be, they are doing fine, we can wait, and when 'it' comes 'it' will be sooooo good (with more complaints). LoL! We can wait, and wait we will.... and.... mmm... we will enjoy the results of your hard work my friends! I luvya! Kisses and cuddles.
Maybe some of these folks should (instead of complaining) go read about networking, and network setups somewhere else, instead of asking the programmers (thus interrupting them in their fine endeavors). I seem to see a lot of asking, asking, asking, about that on this forum.
But alas, I've been berry, berry naughty (in this post)... and I should nah be. When it's ready it's ready, I can wait. MwaH!!!