Runeaudio 0.4

Raspberry Pi related support

Runeaudio 0.4

Postby Grundgütiger » 02 Apr 2016, 17:29


as I still had trouble accessing my USB drive with the Mac's Finder, I thought I should make a clean re-install of Runeaudio. I had 0.3 version installed. I followed the 0.3 download-link from this web site which brought me to the Sourceforge site, but the link was broken - the file was missing. So I used the first download-link on that site. After installing the software, which worked fine, I wanted to access the etc volume with the Mac's Finder, but couldn't. I tried it several times, re-started and re-booted the Pi and got a bit mad, because it didn't work. I than realized that I had downloaded and installed version 0.4. I want to disable the WiFi dongle's sleeping function which could be done by adding a config file to the etc/modprobe.d folder. Is it not possible any more to get access to the file system of the Raspberry Pi, or is there anything wrong with my set-up?

One more thing: What would be the "best" hard drive system for my USB drive that can be formatted and than read and written with my Mac? I had problems with it when it was vfat, and thought to try another system. I couldn't find anything about that here.


Re: Runeaudio 0.4

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Apr 2016, 23:30

cyberduck2.png (61.15 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
cyberduck1.png (15.2 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
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