RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Raspberry Pi related support

RuneAudio 0.5-beta bluetooth

Postby aldebert » 09 May 2019, 09:41

i've seen that bluetooth support has been added to Runeaudio 0.5
i've been searching the forum and didn't found the way to try it
how can i try it?

Thanks for all
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 09 May 2019, 10:07


I have written an OLED display program, mpd_oled, that I used to be able to build on RuneAudio on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. I provided install instructions for RuneAudio so that other people could also use it ...

These instructions are no longer valid for me. I installed the latest 0.5 beta 20180903_10_runeaudio_rpib1.img.gz and updated with the gitpull button, but I was unable to get a working C++ build environment.

Trying to install packages with "pacman -S" produces - error: failed retrieving file 'libatomic_ops-7.6.8-1-armv6h.pkg.tar.xz' from : The requested URL returned error: 404.

Trying to install packages with "pacman -Sy" installs packages with library mismatches. For example, m4 will not run and prints an error that it could not find a library of a particular version.

Does anyone have any recommendations for installing a working C++ build environment on this system? The goal is to update the instructions for installing mpd_oled from source.


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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby janui » 10 May 2019, 15:23

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 10 May 2019, 16:45

Hi janui

Thanks for the reply, but the mpd_oled program is written in C++ and so also needs to be built.

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby gearhead » 10 May 2019, 17:55

Yeah... That is a problem. With Arch, it is a rolling release. I believe you would need to have a snapshot of the full UI of the build environment at the time of the OS build and a link to the state of the packages at that same time if other packages need to be installed.... One of the problems with the use of Arch underpinning Rune is that updates are challenging at best. I think I saw a link where someone talked about updating packages to an earlier date, but have lost it. (Some sort of a way back machine for arch. I do not know if it is just x64 or arm as well.)

I do not have a copy of the OS at the time 0.5b was built. All I have is a current, updated (as of last week or so) build image with all the packages required to build the 0.6b OS we are currently working on. I built the cava package on that image. The other challenge is that if you want to build something in addition to the base OS that requires other packages, you may have problems. For example, if a library that the package depends on was not installed in the OS at the time, you would have a challenge to get the particular library if it is no longer compatible. PM me a link to the C++ code and I'll see if it builds on 0.6b.

My suggestion is that you have a separate SD card with an image you create just to build things. You need a lot of packages and some are only needed to build the packages.

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 10 May 2019, 20:36

Hi Gearhead

Thanks for the further explanation. If it is not possible to depend on the installation of extra packages then, realistically, I don't think I will be able to provide a set of intructions for installing mpd_oled from source for Rune.

The mpd_oled repository is at

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby Mat » 11 May 2019, 12:53

Hi Adrian.
I successfully installed mpd_oled with cava on v0.5 a month ago, based on your instructions. Works great, thanks for your posts. I will try to prepare step by step what i did.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 11 May 2019, 14:51

Hi Mat

That sounds great. I will be interested to hear how you managed to install a working compiler.

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby EZJstef » 12 May 2019, 08:32


i use for several time 0.4 ! and now try to upload to 0.5 ... but i have always the same issue and impossible to connect via local browser , i can just a little second and lost connexion

this the sceen i have any help .... i am not the best expert

tnx in advance for your help
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 12 May 2019, 12:05

Looking at this page

I tried running pacman -Syu.

I can now install a working C++ build environment, but the updates include a newer version of libnfs that is incompatible with the Rune-supplied mpd, and so the update breaks Rune.

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