Hi, I'm checking in after some time away. I'm very happy to see janui and gearhead keep on improving the 0.5 release - you guys rock!
0.5 is the only version that is visibly worked on now. So it seems like (updated) RuneAudio is now a Raspberry Pi only project.
I think that's good actually, since narrower hardware support can ease development.
But we can then also ask:
Can and should RuneAudio be shifted over to run as a set of applications on top of vanilla Raspbian Lite, rather than continue as a custom Arch Linux OS image?
I'm thinking that such a shift, if possible and feasible, would make it easier for users to keep the OS up to date and troubleshoot. Users could simple follow official Raspberry Pi guides on how to install the OS and could also make use of all the existing great guides and new-user-friendly support forums elsewhere on dealing with Raspberry Pi and Raspbian. RuneAudio would only need to document what packages to install and how to configure and update them.
This is meant as a friendly brainstorm about the future path for RuneAudio, not a complaint or critique of anyone.