RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby janui » 12 May 2019, 13:23

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby janui » 12 May 2019, 13:44

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby EZJstef » 12 May 2019, 15:37

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby janui » 13 May 2019, 12:28

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby EZJstef » 13 May 2019, 19:59

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby waves » 14 May 2019, 12:28

Hi, I'm checking in after some time away. I'm very happy to see janui and gearhead keep on improving the 0.5 release - you guys rock!

0.5 is the only version that is visibly worked on now. So it seems like (updated) RuneAudio is now a Raspberry Pi only project.

I think that's good actually, since narrower hardware support can ease development.

But we can then also ask:
Can and should RuneAudio be shifted over to run as a set of applications on top of vanilla Raspbian Lite, rather than continue as a custom Arch Linux OS image?

I'm thinking that such a shift, if possible and feasible, would make it easier for users to keep the OS up to date and troubleshoot. Users could simple follow official Raspberry Pi guides on how to install the OS and could also make use of all the existing great guides and new-user-friendly support forums elsewhere on dealing with Raspberry Pi and Raspbian. RuneAudio would only need to document what packages to install and how to configure and update them.

This is meant as a friendly brainstorm about the future path for RuneAudio, not a complaint or critique of anyone.
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby R101 » 14 May 2019, 17:43

Welcome back, waves. Having a disabled volume control sitting on the playback page really irritated me until your mods came along.

We currently have 3 versions of Rune for the Pi available for download, plus rern's amazing addons, which makes it difficult for new users to know what to do. Any change which allows updating of a single supported version seems a good idea to me.
(Pi 3B, rAudio-1, JLS I2S over USB)
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby EZJstef » 17 May 2019, 19:58

ge all ,

very sorry again for asking somethings maybe easy to solve but don't find the way !!

i have install rune all ok, in wifi point access all ok ! sound great with sabre Dac etc ! but 2 issues!

1 when i put local browser on , and restrat ... rune audio start and restart all the time with runeaudio starting wallpaper ! ( still in wifi pont access without lan internet connact )
2 second test is to keep disable the brower and to connect lan from my router adn disable the access point and restart ! i have this screen

i am wonder what i am doing wrong with the both action ???

yet rune working fine via runeaudioAP and playing musique from android via airplay ! but will be better to get internet access for spotify and also to have the 7" interface in my case ..

thanks again and sorry for my boring beginner questions !

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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby AudioRotor » 21 May 2019, 09:49

First of all - great work, Rune is my favourite RPI streaming tool. Unfortunatelly I had to switch recently to other one due to NAS mapping issue.
It used to work a few weeks ago so maybe something has changed within recent updates.
NAS is WD Mybook live, it requires to use parameter of vers=1.0 to work while mapping, which worked with Rune for long time. Recently I've noticed that NAS is not going to sleep mode as usually when not used, but starts up again and again, even if not used. Issue stopped once I shut down Rune.
Looking into mapping details I saw that parameter was changed to vers=2.0 automatically and I cannot change it back to 1.0, maybe that's the issue.
I know WD I am using is pretty old so maybe its not really important issue, letting you know in case its also an issue for other devices. And hoping there is easy solution so I can get back to using Rune ;)
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Re: RuneAudio 0.5-beta for most Raspberry Pi models

Postby adrii » 22 May 2019, 08:53

Mat prepared a for building mpd_oled on RuneAudio, which set up a working C++ build environment. I have updated the mpd_oled installation instructions for RuneAudio accordingly, and I was also able to remove the RuneAudio patch. Here are the updated instructions ...

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