If anyone can suggest another image or boot condition worth investigating I'll give it a shot but otherwise, well, I'm about ready to call it quits with Rune.
I have a pair of Pi 3 B+'s, three SD cards, and I have tried a great variety of boot conditions; with and without network, USB peripherals, audio and HDMI connections. Ive tried both the 0.4-beta_20160518 and 0.4-beta_20160321images with both recommended Windows SD image mounting programs.
I've tried adding boot delays to the config txt as recommended here:
https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/q ... bow-screenI have never yet seen a green led light up at all for a Rune image. The older image doesn't even make it to the rainbow.
For comparison both Pi and all three SD cards have been tested to successfully launch and run Moode, M2P and Volumino Images first time every time.