by popov » 06 Oct 2018, 07:58
As you say ipv6 is not used at archlinux level.
And you’re right if we left ipv6 in avahi-daemon.conf, There is strange message on network...
Some may have the same small issue a got with this avahi.
From Linux I solve the name but after a long time (hours or days), I may loose the mane (I.m using jeedom).
This came in fact from my local network configuration, my box, not runeaudio. As some time I loose name, and some client have an issue with runeaudio.local. I chose to provide a dhcp reserved adress to runeaudio. This permit me to move runeaudio with no issue, and be able at home if I loose the name to know the ip.
In fact this configuration is blocking from Linux client a functionality with permit not loosing the name.
So I remove it to get normal dhcp
Don’t do very long tests so wait and see. But at network level I can see request witch are not existing before.
That all issues regarding runeaudio.local are solved
O.5 is solving for me windows client (mobile and edge) issues from 0.3 or 0.4. If android is ok
Thank to all for this version
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