I installed the download image on a RaspberryPi B+ with IQAudio DAC+.
The install went smoothly and I configured the system using the web UI. Basically, I selected the IQAudio DAC, enabled Spotify and added my account info and under MPD, made sure that hardware volume control was enabled.
I checked that I could vary the volume visually on the playback page by moving the dial.
I did not have any stored music on my system, so I opted to use Spotify to test the install.
Is my understanding correct that Spotify music is not played by MPD, but by the Spotify daemon and that each time you jump between Spotify music and your own music, you have to select the renderer first?
The moment I selected Spotify and played the first track, the Spotify music blasted full volume from the speakers and the volume control on the Playback page no longer worked. In fact, it looks like it was disabled, I could not move it from 100.
What am I doing wrong here?