RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

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RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby spudmachine » 02 Sep 2016, 18:10

Hi folks,
- Pi 2, wired Ethernet
- RuneAudio 0.3
- Tried Lenovo tablet and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

Problem: RuneAudio Android app will not discover the player.

So I installed both MPD Control and MPDroid and they both work OK, but with differences.

Note that MPD Control auto-discovered the Pi like a charm, but I had to enter the IP address when using MP Droid.

I don't know if MP Droid is supposed to have an auto-discovery mechanism from what I could see from the five seconds I spent using it before I uninstalled it :-)

I also noticed that, using Chrome on Win10, I had to type the IP address of the Pi, as the URL method didn't work.

Any thoughts on why RuneAudio is the only app that doesn't seem to work?

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Sep 2016, 18:30

Hi SPuD,

if not already done please read .

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby spudmachine » 02 Sep 2016, 22:39

Hi Frank,
I'd seen that one, but a couple of things...

- I'm a total noob to Linux (well...not really a noob, but in the past fifteen years when I occasionally encounter Linux I end up in this sort of situation, which just confirms to me why Linux never made any headway to being a desktop O/S), and I'm not sure what that file is, where to find it, or how to edit it :-)

- I was going to Google how to do it but it seemed to me that this is a server-side fix, and if at least one client works (assuming they all use basically the same protocol) then why would a server config change make a difference? Surely it's the RuneAudio client that's broken - especially as one would imagine it's designed to work with the RuneAudio server (which the other clients are not).

- I can go ahead and figure out how to do that file thing, but how does this fault keep occurring? If this happens so frequently that the fix ends up in the FAQ, why don't the developers just fix the freakin' file in the distro?

(Note, I am smiling when typing this, and not doing it in a frustrated strop :-) ).

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby hondagx35 » 02 Sep 2016, 23:02

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby spudmachine » 02 Sep 2016, 23:41

I hear you, Frank.

While the Linux world can be frustrating for those of us used to products that go through testing before release, the one thing we can be sure of is patient, and timely support from folks like you. Many thanks for that!

BTW I definitely do not dislike Linux. My biggest frustration with Linux over the years is that it hasn't been able to put up more of a fight against competition like Windows. The usability experience is very different, unfortunately.

I have to say it seems odd that two 3rd party clients that were never designed to work with RuneAudio actually do work, while the client that was written specifically for RuneAudio does not.

I guess it says a lot about Linux that it's easier to post a change to an FAQ on the web than to fix a configuration file in the distro :-)

I'll go Googling for how to find and edit the file. Maybe I can contribute how to do it for other novice users if this is really so difficult to put into the distro.

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby spudmachine » 03 Sep 2016, 00:34

So I used nano to create the flle, having looked up the MAC address with ifconfig.

That's quite a bunch of gibberish to type in manually. It would be useful to have a way to copy and paste it from a Windows browser instead of typing it all in, but I guess that's the next level. I suppose I should have looked up how to log onto the Pi remotely.

Seems like editing config files easily in a browser would be a feature to include in the web interface if it needs to be done for every install.

Anyway...with the file in place and rebooting the Pi, the Android App still doesn't find the Pi.

I guess I'll give up on the RuneAudio client until somebody actually tests it, and I'll use MPDControl instead.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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Re: RuneAudio Android app not discovering server

Postby hondagx35 » 03 Sep 2016, 09:52

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