by frengo » 23 Jan 2016, 02:11
To go into the .bash profile, I must make it by putty ?
When I'm loggin in writing root (and pass "rune"), then to go in .bash profile I must to write: "nano /.bash_profile" ?
In this way I can write:
modprobe spicc
modprobe fbtft_device name=odroidc_tft32 rotate=270
gpios=reset:116,dc:115 speed=32000000 cs=0
....and then ?
What I must to do to create the file: "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-odroidc-tftlcd.conf" and how should I do to paste below configuration ? Where are the configuration ?
Alternatively, can You upload the entire microSD Card RuneOS image with 3.2 inch TFT screen implemented all drivers and video settings ?
It's very difficult for me to compile a linux files....