by pe9ghz » 26 Apr 2016, 10:56
I 've restarted from scratch as I'd messed up the OS when trying to solve some library incompatibilities.
Re-imaged the uSD card with the Rune Odroid-C1+ image from the repository.
Expand root partition to fit the uSD card, setup boot.ini.
Started installing the required packages for X:
pacman -Syy;
pacman -S xf86-video-odroid-c1 xf86-video-fbdev
pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit
pacman -S lxde
lxdm starts up on the HDMI display with a popup message about a process not attached to pid 819 or something like that but apart from this it seems to work as I see a desktop (also with auto login).
All well up to the point where chromium has to be installed. Tried to install chromium-44.0.2403.107-1-armv7h.pkg.tar.xz and also version 45 as mentioned in the Magazine. Apparently both need never versions of most libraries than the versions supplied in the RuneOS image.
Also, midori doesnt want to install (:: conflicting libgudev libsystemd).
Tried to pacman -Sy systemd but after that the system seems broken, it waits for ages upon shutdown at stopping Samba service.
Is there a more recommended way to update the OS / system libraries to be compatible with chromium ?
Or maybe just give up and wait for a newer RuneOS to be released ?
Odroid-C1+, Sandisk uSDHC Ultra 16GB UHS-1, Odroid-C1+ HiFi shield (PCM5102)