Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

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Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

Postby chrisf4lc0n » 14 Oct 2015, 20:42

I have noticed a weird occurance, with the same config HiFiBerry DAC on both Raspi 1 and 2 as well as the same class of the SD card the boot up time on Raspi 1 is sagnificantly shorter! In fact on Raspi 2 is well over 2 minutes when Raspi 1 gets fully usable in 45 seconds!? Everything else like rebuilding library or applying any options is is much faster on the 2.
Raspi 1 B+ with HiFiBerry DAC and Microlab Solo 6C Speakers on Van Damme Cable
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Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

Postby guyb » 14 Oct 2015, 22:10

I read elsewhere on the forum about running the following commands to speed up boot it. I tried it on mine and it made a massive difference. The Pi2 now boots in about 30secs or so. I am using Ethernet so don't care about wireless but I am sure that wifi would still work after running these - anyone?

syslemctl stop netctl-auto@wlan0

systemctl disable netctl-auto@wlan0

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Re: Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

Postby hondagx35 » 14 Oct 2015, 22:29

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Re: Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

Postby chrisf4lc0n » 15 Oct 2015, 08:41

Thanks guys, it worked flawlessly and it boots up in 28 seconds! Since I was there I overclocked the CPU a bit to 1GHz and it seems to be running stable...
To be honest I was expecting much more performance from Pi 2 than I am actually getting over the 1. I reckon that since I hold all my music on my main Ubuntu server and I get everything over the Ethernet, the 100 Mbps connection is bottlenecking everything :( In that case I will stick to my Pi 1 as the RuneAudio Player and use the 2 for OpenElec, 4 core CPU will come handy in that application.
Once again thanks for all!
Raspi 1 B+ with HiFiBerry DAC and Microlab Solo 6C Speakers on Van Damme Cable
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Joined: 14 May 2015, 18:21

Re: Runeaudio boots up faster on Raspi 1 than 2!

Postby hansh64 » 20 Dec 2015, 23:01

Hi Chris,

How do you mean the 100 Mbps is bottlenecking everything? I use a similar approach with music on Fedora NFS server and wired ethernet and I can play my music (including 24/196) without any troubles.

Last bumped by hansh64 on 20 Dec 2015, 23:01.
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