So, I have gone through and have built all the packages in the git repository for an armv6. I posted to the 'issues' for the respostory what I had to change to get it to compile. I have also run through the old 0.3 production cookbook as best I can. Three is a missing package (tcp_wrappers) which I did not install. I had to force install 2 packages (php-rune and samba-rune as pacman complained). I had to copy the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf from a running system. At one point I got is the '404 Not Found' on the web interface. I made a guess and copied the configuration files from RuneOS/config/etc to /etc (this was not in the cookbook) and I still had the 404 and MPD was not running. I finally got MPD running by creating the /var/run/mpd directory and giving mpd ownership. Now it starts and runs and I get the web interface! Should I post this somewhere, Frank?
edit: This was because the sym links were not created or broken - read down further to get this fix: Filesystem upgrade manual intervention
I am playing a net stream right now and it seems to be OK running through my home brew DAC (5122)!